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May 30 Day Habit Challenge

Are you ready to change your life with the 30 Day Habit Challenge?  

Price: Just £30
One Pound Per Day.

With the Habit Coach App challenge, you'll have full access to: 

  • The Micro Momentum Method - a system that makes achieving your habit goals inevitable
  • The complete 30-Day Build One Break One Habit Challenge which starts 2nd May.
  • 34 video lessons designed to help you install the habits of success
  • My 30 years of expertise in helping my clients master their habits
  • 24/7 access to a private community of like-minded 'Chief Habit Hackers' where you can share your journey, get support and be inspired in a safe place
  • Quick, easy science-based in-app tools designed to make achieving your habit easy and fun
  • A daily Habit Tracker to incentivising you to remain committed until you see positive results
  • Step-by-step guided activities so you make quick progress
  • Daily check-ins to help keep you on track, focused and motivated
  • Bonus material to help train and focus your brain on habit success

Get instant access now, including the bonus courses and we start the 30 Day Challenge on the 2nd May :-)